domingo, 26 de maio de 2019

Sketchbook nº53, part 2 from 2 !

Second and last part from sketchbook nº 53 shared with João Gastão !
Another of one of the catalogues that we are painting in white to make some amazing reusable pages !

quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2019

Cooltzine #2 !

Participated in a publication called Cooltzine #2 from Cooltsalon in Sofia with an ongoing project about some traps that I found and let around the streets !
The publication is online right here:

segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2019

Stress auto-incutido !

No meu bolso, no do lado direito que quando não é de calça de senhora também acomoda o meu iphone 4 agora não S, encontra-se uma lista de afazeres. São afazeres para o dia mesmo e alguns seguintes. Às vezes para vários. Depende daquilo que eu penso que tenho pra fazer. Organizam-se por dias e pelas primeiras coisas que penso que tenho pra fazer. Vão de coisas lhanas a coisas importantes, digo eu.
 A verdade é que, se fossem mesmo importantes, eu de uma lista não precisaria e faria-o sem. Mas eu preciso de organizar as coisas que penso que tenho que fazer para me manter ocupado, é que um cão que corre atrás da cauda pode parecer idiota de quem de fora o vê, mas a sua missão é levada a sério o suficiente para fazer o seu próprio mundo andar à roda.

sexta-feira, 17 de maio de 2019

Residencies over residencies !

I've been working since october in a document that will present a little bit of my first year, nineteen years after the first six here lived, in France! 
Without really having topics to focus on, I'm coming to the conclusion that it will talk a lot about the artist residency and its opposite (that I'm still trying to find out what it is) !
Trying to dance some of the topics in the residence that I will make in Zagreb this summer !
Stay tunned for more infos !

sábado, 11 de maio de 2019

Most should be all !

I was invited by a good friend to make an artistic residency this summer in Zagreb. The residency will focus itself on the city and the ways I can work around it. And, using the fact that I will be in Croatia this summer, she also invited me to participate in the Jelsa Art Bienal that will happen in the island of Hvar, in the south of this country. 
My research for this project started in google maps, giving me a brief eye bird notion from this specific place, this specific island, this specific country and this specific sea. The fact that the place that will host this event is detached from the the continent was what triggered me the most. My idea is to connect both places. The project aims to construct a bridge/pier from the city of Drvenik, in the southern Croatian coast, tho the Hvar nearest tip, the city of Sucuraj. The gao has approximately five kilometers wide and these cities are separetad by a small, calm and warm lenght of the Adriatic Sea. 
This particular project will act as a prototype for o bigger bridge/pier.
 I explain everything here: and I will update information regularly.

For the residency, I will focus myself and the eventual possibility of doing something tangible there only. I want to enjoy this possibilty to make something that will make sense for me and for the place itself.

Stay tunned for more infos